How to prepare for a house clearance

When you’re at the start of trying to clear a property, for whatever reason, the task ahead can seem long, daunting, stressful and time-consuming. There is such a lot of effort involved in house clearance, that it definitely seems like a marathon, rather than a sprint. And when you’re doing it on a deadline, that normally only adds to the stress.

We work with a huge variety of clients, from those having to clear deceased estates, to those who are dealing with end of tenancy properties. No matter what the circumstance, one thing always remains the same; they don’t know where to start.

So, we’re providing you with a few tips to help you get ready for your house clearance.

1. Plan your process

We say this because we work very closely with estate agents and they strongly believe a house sells better when everything has been cleared. So don’t be too hasty in getting the agents in to take photographs. You’ll have better results if they’re taken after the clearance when the property looks cleaner, bigger and better-presented. This can add value to the property too.

2. Decide what you want to keep

A huge (and sometimes extremely emotional) part of conducting a house clearance is separating with items that hold emotional value. We call these ‘personals’ and usually take the form of photographs and other things that hold sentimental value. The first part of the process will be for you to decide on the items you’re keeping.

Once you’ve picked the items, you can remove them from the property. If they fit in your car, great. If not, it’s time to call a favour from a friend or start some research to hire a van.

If you’re using Clear and Clean House Clearance, just place the items in the corner of a room, earmark them (usually by putting a sheet over them) and we will deliver everything to you later on, only charging for fuel.

3. Leave everything else

Obviously, this certainly doesn’t account for if you’re conducting the house clearance yourself, then you’ll need to start segmenting the items for disposal and making arrangements for its removal.

However, when you’re using our services, it’s super helpful for you to leave absolutely everything as it is. Some clients think they’re being helpful by bagging things up for us, but the reality is, we then have to unbag everything to segment it ourselves. Even if you think you’ve segmented to the best of your ability, what you class as ‘charitable’ or ‘recyclable’, may not be the same as us, so we always need to make sure we segment the items ourselves with our own colour-coding system.

You may not feel like you’re being helpful when you leave everything in the property but trust us when we say that it’s the most helpful you could be.

4. Don’t panic about us

Many new clients are apprehensive about using a House Clearance company and we understand. This is why we have ensured our approach is extremely personable and tailored to your own experience. Over our many years in the industry, our reputation is the thing that’s kept our brand strong.

If we come across anything which we deem as valuable, we will always get in touch to ensure you meant to leave it for removal. Just last week we collected over £4,000 from one house clearance and handed it straight back to the property owner. We’re good people with good intentions.

Also, if you’re concerned about the environment, our whole ethos surrounds the safe and considerate treatment of our planet. With the focus around recycling and avoiding the use of materials like plastic never being bigger, we avoid landfill as much as we can to ensure we are contributing as little as possible to global warming.

Our clients always say that our kind and sensitive approach would be extremely difficult to find elsewhere. We’re experts in our field and pride ourselves on doing the best job possible. You can check out our reviews online and also call us for a chat/quote on 07909 846679 or 01452 290086.

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