5 things you can do to help the environment during a house clearance
‘Green’ has always been our ethos. We are incredibly passionate about the environment at Clear and Clean House Clearance. One of the many reasons that our clients love us, is because we do everything in our power to prevent contributing towards landfill.
Many people choose to undertake their own house clearance and end up simply taking everything they don’t want to the rubbish tip; regardless of whether it’s fit for purpose or not.
In fact, many of our customers say that they’d have just used landfill had they not used us. Because it was easier.
We’re always shocked by this and are keen to spread the word how easy it is to do good by the environment. So, we’re telling you how:
1.Stop buying plastic
Whether you’re buying new cleaning products or black bags, simply stop buying plastic. Scour your cupboards for existing bottles of cleaning products and use refuge sacks instead. Also, some cleaning product companies like ecover have refilling stations where you can take your bottles back to be refilled, rather than buy new ones.
If there are things you really don’t need anymore, it can be tempting to put them all in one black bag and just throw them away. But what a waste! Separate the items in good condition and take them to a local charity shop… or even see if you can sell them on local Buy & Sell sites!
Charity shops are always after donations & you get some satisfaction that your belongings will be living on.
Fancy yourself as a bit of an artist? If there’s some furniture you’re ready to get rid of, give it a new lease of life! Grab some sanding paper and some paint and get working. If not, ask your friends and family; you’d be surprised the talents some people have. Then you can either sell it on, or make room for what looks like a brand new piece of furniture!
We are often left gob-smacked at the number of items taken to landfill that can be so easily recycled! Make use of your council bins and separate anything that can be recycled from the normal rubbish
If you run out of room during a clearance, there are lots of recycling centres you can take items to!
5.Use an environmentally friendly house clearance company
Here at Clear and Clean House Clearance, we built our whole organisation around the environment. As part of the clearance process, we do all of the above to ensure that none of your items contribute to landfill. Over a year, we stop 552 tons of rubbish from going to landfill.
Once we remove and deal with unwanted items, we return to clean the property so it’s fit for whatever you need it for.
So, rather than breaking your back and wasting time and precious energy clearing a property by yourself, get us involved. We’re a local, trusted organisation who will always do their best to help in an given circumstance. If you’d like to know a little more about costs, give us a call on 07909 846679 or 01452 290086 and we’ll provide you with a free quote.